The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) created an event, Earth Hour, which aims to help raise public awareness about the need to act on the climate change crisis. The event will be held on March 23rd at 8:30 pm for one hour. Costa Rica has signed up to join the global cause.
In 2012, Earth Hour united hundreds of millions of people all over the world in the act of turning off their lights for one hour as symbolism for supporting and taking action in saving our planet. For the 2013 Earth Hour, public figures will be joining and showing their support via social media. Some public supporters are: Warner Rojas, Esteban Ramirez, the half dozen, Bernal Villegas, Leonora Jimenez, Doris Goldgewicht, and Johanna Ortiz.
Costa Rica was signed up through a company, Sustainability Consultants, that designs and manages sustainability processes such as environmental managing and strategic planning. Different activities will be held all over Costa Rica on the 23rd, and as always those that cannot attend can participate on their own at home or work by turning off lights, electric devices, and doing other things to show support.
Sustainability Consultants has the support of the National Biodiversity Institute, along with other organizations, to help carry out the initiative in Costa Rica.