In light of the recent plant rust issue that many of Central America’s coffee crops have been facing, Costa Rica’s export numbers have fallen by 2.5% with the first release of 2012’s October through January crops.
The National Coffee Association of Guatemala (ANACAFE) reported that with the crops of nine Latin American countries, the total crops increased 11.9% this season. This figure was totaled by the crops released from Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Exports totaled 8,208,070 of 60 kilo bags, which was up from 7,334,349 from the same time last year. While the overall crop rate increased, the individual numbers for Costa Rica and El Salvador decreased.
The Dominican Republic reported a growth of 158.34%, 137.5% from Nicaragua, 26.71% from Peru, 25.15% from Honduras, 14.77% from Mexico, 8.08% from Guatemala, and 2.5% from Colombia. However, the numbers from El Salvador were -4.37% and Costa Rica -2.57%.
Experts are saying that the fact that the totals rose this year does not speak for the next crop, as the crop numbers are including a run off from last years crop. The ‘leaf rust’ plague that is widespread through Central America currently has affected 65% of the 933,000 hectares of coffee plantations in Central America. Effects of the epidemic are expected to be felt by September of this year with a great reduction in the amount of coffee being exported from this area of the world.
Brazil, the world’s largest coffee exporter, was not included in these reports.