Costa Rica Exit Tax

Costa Rica Exit Tax: What do you have to pay?

Being the country’s top authority when it comes to vacations to Costa Rica, CRV felt it might be best to detail out our most commonly asked question when planning a trip to paradise… What is the price to pay for the Costa Rica exit tax? Although this sort of tax might be something you’re not […]

Safe Vacation Planning

Practice Safe Vacation Planning

Well it’s official that CRV has gone and shifted to a fully encrypted web experience for our web site visitors. As of yesterday our web development team has moved our site from only having transaction pages on the site being encrypted (IE: forms & payment) to a complete shift to the entire site experience being […]

Sloths of Costa Rica

Costa Rica has become a well-known destination for adventurers and nature lovers alike. National Geographic called the country one of the most bio-intense locations on the planet with 5% of the world’s flora and fauna. With almost 30% of the country classified as national parkland or reserves, this tiny Latin American nation packs a punch […]

Yahoo Travel Ranks Costa Rica as Top Wedding Destination

To everyone living here, Costa Rica has long been a popular wedding destination. With over 220 beaches, 17 active volcanoes, zip lines strung everywhere and 5% of the world’s flora and fauna, a wedding in Costa Rica is something to behold. Costa Rica beachfront weddings[/caption]Over the past few years the business of Costa Rica weddings […]